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WACS president Xie Fuzhan pays scholarly visit to Spain, Serbia and France

Updated: 2023-11-20



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From October 10 to 19, 2023, at the invitation of the Spanish National Research Council, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the National Center for Scientific Research, and UNESCO, Xie Fuzhan, president of the World Association for China Studies (WACS), led a delegation on a scholarly visit to Spain, Serbia and France. The visit was to assess the development status of China Studies in Europe, explore ways and areas of cooperation regarding China Studies, and promote a better understanding of "China in academia" and "China in philosophy and social sciences". The delegation introduced WACS's business scope and major work, while absorbing the research and updates of the China Studies of the visited institutions.

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During the visit to Spain, the delegation visited the Spanish National Research Council, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and Universidad Pompeu Fabra. The delegation also visited the Chinese Embassy in Spain and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Barcelona to discuss topics such as the current development of China Studies in Spain, exchanges between Chinese and Western scholars in the field of social sciences, and future cooperation with WACS.

In Serbia, the delegation visited the Institute of International Politics and Economics and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts to introduce WACS, from its establishment background to its vision and purpose and business scope. During the visit, the group also met with experts on China Studies to discuss the development and philosophical trends of social sciences, as well as how to carry out exchanges and cooperation.

During the visit to France, the delegation visited the National Council for Scientific Research, and CY Cergy Paris Université. In addition to introducing WACS, they also exchanged ideas on strengthening cooperation in the field of China Studies. The delegation went on to visit UNESCO and the Permanent Delegation of the People's Republic of China to UNESCO where they explored prospects of cooperation between WACS and UNESCO.

Throughout the visit, the delegation emphasized the overall situation of WACS, and listened to the presentation of the visited institutions. Experts and scholars participating in the exchange remarked that the establishment of WACS is of great significance for promoting global research, exchange, and cooperation in China Studies. Various institutions and scholars expressed their interests in WACS membership, and looked forward to engaging in and contributing to the development of China Studies.

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