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Civilization Mutual Learning and Silk Road Archaeology: Centered on the Ruins of Buddhist Temples in the Middle Ages of China

Updated: 2023-11-20



Project Introduction: 

This project aims to explore the characteristics of early Buddhism and the localization process after its introduction to China from the perspective of archaeological research. Buddhist archaeological research is an international project and an important component of Chinese historical archaeology. In recent years, significant archaeological discoveries have been made in the ruins of Buddhist temples of the Middle Ages, notably the royal Buddhist temple in Yecheng, an ancient capital for six dynasties, sites that have epoch-making significance in Buddhist archaeological research. This is not only due to the fact that the site of the capital city was an international metropolis at that time, but also because the Buddhist relics and relics discovered in Yecheng deeply reflect the craftsmanship, artistic style, cultural connotations, and religious rituals of those days, which has important academic significance for a deeper understanding of the process of Sinicization of Buddhism. 

This project is of great significance in showcasing the vast and profound Chinese civilization and other magnificent and diverse world civilizations, and promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning.

Project hosts:

Zhu Yanshi (Institute of Archeology, CASS)

Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt (University of Pennsylvania)

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